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UK work

TYpe of work: Offline.
Software: Express Scribe and Microsoft word and Stedman's books.
Contact details: gandharvashu@yahoo.com.
Payment mode: Direct bank account.
Fixed pay: Rs. 550..

I need one 42-minute UK medical transcrpition file transcribed. Single dictator is dictating. Very good Dictator. (indian accent). I need this file back by 9 a.m. Indian Standard Sunday. File will be awarded earliest on finding right candidate. If you believe you are right candidate, then remain online for discussion. I'm looking for more than 90% accuracy. At least one year of MT experience needed but you need to use UK/Indian spellings. Do not use USA spelling.

You can also look forward to more work on completing this work in timely and accurately manner. I get over flow work couple of times in a week and you can get this work. This work is confidential and should not be shared with anyone.

You must have:
1. Medical transcription experience
2. UK/Indian spellings to be used. Do not use USA spellings.
3. Preferably 4/5 rating of past project.

You will be given:
1. You can get file format of either .vox of 10 MB or .mp3 of 40 MB . Express Scribe can play both files.
2. One template for formatting help and you must maintain automatic numbering, line space and tab in that format.

Again, maximum amount paid will be $9 or Rs. 500 @12 audio per hour. You can get 10% bonus or additional payment if you gave more than 95% accuracy. 



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